More to Life than food: Go Big

Go Big

2014 some how feels like a big year for me. It’s a year where I already know a lot of stuff is going to happen not only to me but to the people around me. Changes are happening, people are moving, switching jobs, dreaming big and making things happen for themselves. Personally it is a year of change for me as about halfway through this year I will be getting married. By the end of August I will have a larger family, a new name and a husband. This change has challenged me to think of where I have come from, who I am and the person I thought I would be by the time I got married. I mean marriage… I am going to be a proper adult.

This perspective has really given me a kick up the butt. Time flies, and whilst there is always enough to time to accomplish things there is not enough time to waste. So I need to hop to it.

That said this year I decided against resolutions and focused more on a mantra for my year. Something to give me a kick up the butt, a reminder to bring it, to not be afraid and just go for it each and everyday. So I settled on – Go Big. This is not a dress rehearsal. I am hoping this provides me the quick reminder I need every time I want to shift into the choosing the ‘comfortable known entity’ to chose the path less trodden and do what feels right to me.

With this mantra I have also picked a few key things to help me really Go Big this year and I thought they might be things we all need reminding about so I wanted to share.

Number 1. Show up:  Whatever goals, resolutions or even just thoughts you have had about positive change remember that more than half the battle is showing up. Whether its making it to the gym, sitting down for a focused ½ hour of writing, fitting in a daily meditation, making just one meal from scratch. Whatever it is just turn up, just be there and let your body do the rest. The universe will notice and guaranteed all sorts of positives will follow suit.

Number 2. Remember Comparison is the thief of Joy. Stop worrying about what others are doing or achieving, infact actively support them in what feels right to them. You will feel a whole lot better for doing that than putting them down, judging them or yourself and feeling like you are failing. As Henry David Thoreau said “ if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” Basically stop worrying about what others are doing. Listen to your heart and trust your instincts. You are the only you in this world, so live meaningfully.

Number 3. Be kind. To others and most importantly to yourself. This is the year to compliment yourself, support yourself and know you are perfect in your imperfections. So give yourself a hug daily. And remember it is always better to be kind than right. So choose kindness especially with yourself. After all you are working miracles everyday. 

And that’s it, no lists of things to do, just a few intentional reminders incase we sometimes become rudderless.

So Go Big people.. this ain’t no dress rehearsal. This my friends is life.

Now I am Three

Now I am three

Isn’t it amazing how time flies. Three years of blogging seems to have gone in a flash. I can’t really believe that Suppers From Scratch is three years old.  It’s great to chart this journey, looking back at some good meals and recipes. This last year my blog has had a makeover and gobbled up more content. I hope you are still enjoying the journey as much as I am. Really all I want to say today is Thank you.  Thank you for reading and sharing the journey. Without you guys this wouldn’t be anyway near as much fun! So Happy New Year – Here’s to a great 2014, what an exciting year it is going to be.

Sweet Christmas Inspiration


You may (or may not) have noticed the absence of posts over the last month or so. I have been in a mini shame spiral as a result of this. Feeling guilty about not posting, but at the same time not really feeling like I had much to share or write. Now don’t get me wrong it has been a busy month, making 3 completely different kinds of Birthday cakes, prepping all sorts of Christmas goodies, planning a wedding, working a lot, seeing friends and family and generally having a ball. So in short that is where I have been. Busy, and not particularly inspired. However Christmas is just around the bend and I am now planning a few delights for Christmas day, listening to my Christmas Soundtrack I couldn’t help but feel like a I should share the best of the Christmas Inspiration and recipes I have been pouring over.

So here we go: 

I know this is for a party but I want to have always have a table filled with Christmas cookies and other treats

And here are some treats that would definitly make the table

A Great list of Holiday starters and snacks – The baked Brie and Cranberry compote looks particuluary good

Indoor Smores – nuff said 

I also want a hot chocolate bar

And finally I really want to make these for Breakfast on Christmas Morning – what a perfect way to start the day! 

I hope that list helps to inspire your own Christmas Treats. Personally the one thing I know I am definitely going to make is a Yule Log. My own personal favourite Christmas Treat. 

So check back tomorrow for some Yule Log love!

Image via House of Ernest 


Why I cook


Today has been one of those days. You know the days where you feel like you have so much to do even if you lived the day twice over you still wouldn’t get it all done. The work, jobs, admin, favours, etc. pile up and up like a never-ending list that seems to avalanche down on you. Couple that with a serious case of feeling sorry for myself as I have a slight cold, and you have my day. SO when I kept realising over and over again that today was Thursday, Thursday Lucie, you write a blog which you post on Thursday. Remember that? Remember you are being good and consistent with your posts and posting every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Remember. Well I kept remembering and realised I hadn’t cooked anything and photographed it, I had nothing to share. What was I going to do. About 30mins ago I had all but given up on today’s post. It’s gone Lucie, you’ve failed ( this is my internal monologue – incase you hadn’t guessed – we are going a bit stream of consciousness – forgive me for this). So I gave up and started cooking and then something magical happened. I just chilled out. I forgot about the stuff I had to do, the emails to write, receipts to file, blogs to create, everything on my jobs list melted and I just relaxed. And I realised that’s why I cook. It is not because I am virtuous and healthy and super organised. It’s because when I cook I change state. I go from worried overthinker to clear minded peace. Unlike watching TV or spending hours in front of my computer on pinterest I was doing something. But It was easy, I wasn’t thinking I was just doing. Cooking makes me switch off, it gets my away from the wretched screens I spend my life in front of and places me entirely in the moment. 

Oh, the moment. Don’t you just love it when you are living life right there and then, not thinking, planning, worrying, pre-empting, reliving, just being right there and now. That for me is the biggest gift of cooking and ultimately the number one reason I cook. I know that shouldn’t be the case, and food should come first. But what else are good meals if not about the experience? Which is why cooking from scratch is so great, because the experience starts from the moment you set down your chopping board and get out your ingredients. Life isn’t to be rushed through it’s not about ticking jobs off an endless list. It is about the experience. I needed to remember that today, cooking reminded me and now I feel like it’s my job to remind you. 

So there you go. Stop worrying and just cook! 🙂

p.s. more recipes soon, I promise.

Image via horinarumii

Weekend Love List



I saw this, this morning and it made me smile. So I thought I would share.

Hurray for the weekend. I have the luxury of spending the entire two days with my family. I am so excited for lots of cooking, chatting and catching up.

Knowing this, my week of trawling the web has been inspired by this comforting weekend plan. Please excuse the copious amounts of extravagant and luxurious foods on this weeks love list.

Whatever you’re up to I wish you a wonderfully extravagant weekend.

Here are few of my favourite finds from the week:

The perfect cup of Masala Chai – I am not usually the biggest fan but this looks like it I worth a try

Did you know it was national honey month? I had no idea. Now I need to get planning some honey recipes!

The perfect snack for Saturday night film viewing.

A blog called ‘Dinner: A Love Story’ – I feel they are a kindred spirit.

This week my friend moved across the pond to London for the whole year- so exciting. The most exciting thing of the week is that she introduced me to Cronuts! The Croissant Donut! How have I never heard of these before. If you are equally ignorant check out some more info here or maybe go the whole hog and have a go at making them! Apparently they are delicious, but I am pretty sure they are definitely an extravagant treat – not one to add to the regular breakfast rotation!

What ever you’re up to have a lovely weekend!

Image via Observando

Weekend Love List


Happy Weekend! I hope you all have lots of lovely plans. Personally I have an evening of karaoke in store for me. Hopefully followed by a sunday of seeing family and relaxing. Whatever you have got planned I hope it stays dry and you have a wonderful weekend.

If you are keen to try out any new recipes this weekend – here are some of things I am hoping to road test.

Nothing better for a weekend treat than a Fresh Fig and Almond Breakfast Cake

These look so naughty – but I bet they are delicious

More amazing beetroot inspiration (the other inspiration are these beauties of course)

Recently I have been feeling the need to bring the outside in, so I am hoping to try my hand at some foraged flower arranging – Love this simple guide

And finally just a reminder about the importance of food in life

Have a lovely weekend.

image via Eat Drink Chic

Weekend Love List


So what have you all got planned for the weekend? It’s looking grey and rainy where I am so, it seems logically to focus my efforts on indoor activities. Which for me means a big clear out of my ever bulging wardrobe – I need to make space for some new autumn purchases after all.

Followed of course by some cooking, I don’t know what is in the menu yet so I am looking forward to hitting the shops and getting inspired. And with the cold coming in it’s time to pick up my knitting needles – I have found some great projects to get started on, so I can’t wait to get some new yarn and get knitting!

If you are in need of some weekend inspiration, here are a few of my favourite discoveries of the week.

Weelicious – I know I don’t have children yet, but I love this woman’s approach to food – sushi sandwiches anyone?

On a stormy sunday morning what better way to start the day than these waffles! My tip buy your ingredients today so you don’t even have to venture out in the rain.

Chocolate Raviloli anyone? The recipes all in french so get your french to english dictionary out – but what a great idea! I will be having a go myself so if you don’t want to translate yourself, keep your eyes posted on the blog and this will be up soon. 

With New York Fashion week having just taken place and london about to take off I love some inspirational street style – Maybe it’s the wardrobe clean out but I am in a clotheys mood this weekend  

Oh and incase you fancy some knitting yourself – how cute are these! I know its the wrong time of year but who doesn’t love a bunny.

Image via Love and Lemons

Back to School

Everywhere you look over the last few weeks the theme of ‘back to school’ has been steadfastly in my vision. My pinterest has been full of it and loads of my favourite bloggers have been doing features on it.

And I can understand why, just like in January the thought of a new start is intoxicating and however many years out of the education system you are September always feels like a fresh start. A time to set some good routines, sharpen those pencils, rejig your wardrobe and hit the gym before you descend into winter comfort. As a result I thought this week I would be inspired by this and give you so fresh inspiration for your own back to school routine whatever that maybe.

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Weekend Love List


Is it just me or does time seem to be flying at the moment. The fact that it is already september seems baffling to me. Seriously where has this year gone? Let alone this week. One exciting thing about september is that it means days of crunching leaves under foot, storing up for the winter and comfy jumpers will soon be upon us. 

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Weekend Love List


Gosh the weekend comes creeping around quickly doesn’t it! For me this has been a week of a lot of home cooking, with pretty much none of it being mine for a change. There is nothing like eating at other peoples homes to give you a bit of inspiration. 

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