Suppers From Scratch
Is a lovefest for the handmade. It’s about sharing good food, good ideas and great experiences. It is my love letter to food and life.
It all started a few years ago when I decided to eat entirely From Scratch for a year. 365 days, 40 lovingly crafted loaves of bread and a few cheese related disasters later I had finished. My year From Scratch taught me that using your hands to make things can be wonderfully meditative and completely joyful, that the sense of achievement you get whether it’s food, gifts, or your own teddy bear is an incredible feeling.
Now I focus on making things big and small, being inspired by life and generally sharing things I love. I believe in the Journey. And that taking time out to enjoy the experience making things with your own hands is unrivalled. The only thing better is sharing this with others. So pull a chair up around my kitchen table and let me know what you think.
About Me
I am…
a city dwelling country bumpkin, with a love for food and writing, on a quest to enjoy good food, good company and the path less travelled. I am a magpie of new ideas, and get excited about new projects and new challenges. Once a upon a time Suppers From Scratch was just that, a new idea and a great challenge, now it has grown into a labour of love.
I spend my days sitting at a white desk by a window and my nights writing, cooking, exploring the city, being inspired, and watching films. I prescribe to the idea that every day can be a great day. The proof is quite literally in the pudding.
I love …
Walking home in the Rain, Getting lost in a good book, the smell of freshly baked biscuits, Sharing food with friends, exploring new places, Nail Varnish that isn’t chipped, Knitting, Crunching leaves under my feet, Travelling , Spontaneously Dancing, Watching the world go by, Chocolate, My family, Doing cartwheels outside, Green Jeans, Celebrating life’s simple moments, Sleep.
Contact Me:
lucy (at)
Follow me on Twitter: @supsfromscratch
Check out my Facebook page
Or have a look at my inspiration on Pinterest.