More to Life than food: Go Big

Go Big

2014 some how feels like a big year for me. It’s a year where I already know a lot of stuff is going to happen not only to me but to the people around me. Changes are happening, people are moving, switching jobs, dreaming big and making things happen for themselves. Personally it is a year of change for me as about halfway through this year I will be getting married. By the end of August I will have a larger family, a new name and a husband. This change has challenged me to think of where I have come from, who I am and the person I thought I would be by the time I got married. I mean marriage… I am going to be a proper adult.

This perspective has really given me a kick up the butt. Time flies, and whilst there is always enough to time to accomplish things there is not enough time to waste. So I need to hop to it.

That said this year I decided against resolutions and focused more on a mantra for my year. Something to give me a kick up the butt, a reminder to bring it, to not be afraid and just go for it each and everyday. So I settled on – Go Big. This is not a dress rehearsal. I am hoping this provides me the quick reminder I need every time I want to shift into the choosing the ‘comfortable known entity’ to chose the path less trodden and do what feels right to me.

With this mantra I have also picked a few key things to help me really Go Big this year and I thought they might be things we all need reminding about so I wanted to share.

Number 1. Show up:  Whatever goals, resolutions or even just thoughts you have had about positive change remember that more than half the battle is showing up. Whether its making it to the gym, sitting down for a focused ½ hour of writing, fitting in a daily meditation, making just one meal from scratch. Whatever it is just turn up, just be there and let your body do the rest. The universe will notice and guaranteed all sorts of positives will follow suit.

Number 2. Remember Comparison is the thief of Joy. Stop worrying about what others are doing or achieving, infact actively support them in what feels right to them. You will feel a whole lot better for doing that than putting them down, judging them or yourself and feeling like you are failing. As Henry David Thoreau said “ if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” Basically stop worrying about what others are doing. Listen to your heart and trust your instincts. You are the only you in this world, so live meaningfully.

Number 3. Be kind. To others and most importantly to yourself. This is the year to compliment yourself, support yourself and know you are perfect in your imperfections. So give yourself a hug daily. And remember it is always better to be kind than right. So choose kindness especially with yourself. After all you are working miracles everyday. 

And that’s it, no lists of things to do, just a few intentional reminders incase we sometimes become rudderless.

So Go Big people.. this ain’t no dress rehearsal. This my friends is life.

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