More to Life than food: Go Big

Go Big

2014 some how feels like a big year for me. It’s a year where I already know a lot of stuff is going to happen not only to me but to the people around me. Changes are happening, people are moving, switching jobs, dreaming big and making things happen for themselves. Personally it is a year of change for me as about halfway through this year I will be getting married. By the end of August I will have a larger family, a new name and a husband. This change has challenged me to think of where I have come from, who I am and the person I thought I would be by the time I got married. I mean marriage… I am going to be a proper adult.

This perspective has really given me a kick up the butt. Time flies, and whilst there is always enough to time to accomplish things there is not enough time to waste. So I need to hop to it.

That said this year I decided against resolutions and focused more on a mantra for my year. Something to give me a kick up the butt, a reminder to bring it, to not be afraid and just go for it each and everyday. So I settled on – Go Big. This is not a dress rehearsal. I am hoping this provides me the quick reminder I need every time I want to shift into the choosing the ‘comfortable known entity’ to chose the path less trodden and do what feels right to me.

With this mantra I have also picked a few key things to help me really Go Big this year and I thought they might be things we all need reminding about so I wanted to share.

Number 1. Show up:  Whatever goals, resolutions or even just thoughts you have had about positive change remember that more than half the battle is showing up. Whether its making it to the gym, sitting down for a focused ½ hour of writing, fitting in a daily meditation, making just one meal from scratch. Whatever it is just turn up, just be there and let your body do the rest. The universe will notice and guaranteed all sorts of positives will follow suit.

Number 2. Remember Comparison is the thief of Joy. Stop worrying about what others are doing or achieving, infact actively support them in what feels right to them. You will feel a whole lot better for doing that than putting them down, judging them or yourself and feeling like you are failing. As Henry David Thoreau said “ if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” Basically stop worrying about what others are doing. Listen to your heart and trust your instincts. You are the only you in this world, so live meaningfully.

Number 3. Be kind. To others and most importantly to yourself. This is the year to compliment yourself, support yourself and know you are perfect in your imperfections. So give yourself a hug daily. And remember it is always better to be kind than right. So choose kindness especially with yourself. After all you are working miracles everyday. 

And that’s it, no lists of things to do, just a few intentional reminders incase we sometimes become rudderless.

So Go Big people.. this ain’t no dress rehearsal. This my friends is life.

Summer Ratatouille Salad

Summer Ratatouille

As promised it’s time for some pure seasonal joy and what could be better than Aubergiene, Courgette, Tomato and Basil. The problem is when I think of these ingredients, I think Ratatouille, which is hot and warming and well not particularly summery. However all of these key ingredients are at there best right now, so it seems foolish not to use them because they don’t ‘feel’ summery! 

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Sweet Treats: The Raw Brownie

Brownies Cover

Now I tried the recipe for this Raw Brownie a week ago. It is so good, it has honestly taken that long for my brain to accept that something without anything bad in, can taste so decadent.

Before you read this recipe and go – yeah Lucy, that sounds ‘nice’ – but let’s face it you aren’t going to make it because you find it difficult to believe that anything with the ingredient list I am going to give you could pass for a good brownie.

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Seasonal Tastes: June


What an exciting time of year. Strawberries are in abundance and there is so much sweetness all around.

With the sunshine finally sticking around for a while, this is the perfect time to start experimenting with summer flavours. One of my favourite ways to use Strawberries is blended up and added to Lemonade – boy do I love Strawberry Lemonade. You can also add some seasonal mint, which makes the whole thing that little bit more incredible. Or why not try freezing some and blitzing with frozen banana to make healthy Strawberry Ice Cream. Yummy! 

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Today I am two!

Today I am 2

Can you believe it? Two whole years of cooking, experimentation and blogging! I had no idea back then that two years on I would still be writing and I can’t really believe it has been this long.  I am like an excited child ready to blow out my birthday candles! Firstly I wanted to say thanks to all of you for reading and checking out my recipes. Without you reading, this wouldn’t be the same. So thanks. Don’t get worried now – this isn’t a thank you and goodbye thing, more of an “oohh… what should I do next?”
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Pinspiration Christmas Style

Christmas Pinboard

As I have been working on my Christmas From Scratch ebook for a few weeks now, I have been getting into the holiday spirit earlier than usual. This presented a slight problem as I was thinking about Christmas from October – very early in my opinion. You don’t wan’t to rush into the holiday spirit too soon otherwise you end up being a little bored with it by mid December. But now it’s December you have every excuse to embrace the impending holidays whole heartedly. Earlier this week we made decorations and put up our tree – very exciting! One of my favourite activities has been creating my pinboard for inspiration for our house and recipes – I thought I would share it with you in case you are stuck for some ideas.
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Food for thought- Fake Food Vs Real Food

(Don’t worry this isn’t about the plastic Fisher Price food, its about actual food – the stuff you can eat)

Recently I have been thinking a lot about what I have been eating, you might have realised from the attempt to not cook the most fatty desserts in the world that I am erring on the side of healthy food. Not to say that I always eat good food, I don’t, but when you eat From Scratch at least most of the food you eat is real food. I know this sounds a bit crazy, of course all food is real food, but when you think about it the stuff that sits in tins, or in processed packages with additives and preservatives by the time it reaches your mouth is it really food or is it just edible stuff? And does it really make a difference?
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Festival Notes

It was another busy week for From Scratch as I prepared a lot of baked goods for the Farm the City Festival that happened on Saturday. Luckily no cake related disasters (I am a pro now after that wedding cake – that said my brownies were monumentally gooey. You could argue you can’t have brownies that are too gooey, well when your brownies shape shift around your utensils, you might have excess goo!) Brownies aside though, everything turned out rather well.
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Suppers From Scratch at Farm the City London Festival

Exciting news for this weekend! I just wanted to write a quick post about the Farm the City London Food Festival that is happening this weekend. You can get full details here: or

There are some great organisations involved from what I hear ( including From Scratch of course!) and if you are even toying with the idea of growing your own food you need to be there as I think it will be a bit of a one stop shop to get you started. With the focus on good food and health – I think there might even be some yoga happening – be prepared for an inspirational start to your summer 2012 health kick.
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