I saw this, this morning and it made me smile. So I thought I would share.
Hurray for the weekend. I have the luxury of spending the entire two days with my family. I am so excited for lots of cooking, chatting and catching up.
Knowing this, my week of trawling the web has been inspired by this comforting weekend plan. Please excuse the copious amounts of extravagant and luxurious foods on this weeks love list.
Whatever you’re up to I wish you a wonderfully extravagant weekend.
Here are few of my favourite finds from the week:
The perfect cup of Masala Chai – I am not usually the biggest fan but this looks like it I worth a try
Did you know it was national honey month? I had no idea. Now I need to get planning some honey recipes!
The perfect snack for Saturday night film viewing.
A blog called ‘Dinner: A Love Story’ – I feel they are a kindred spirit.
This week my friend moved across the pond to London for the whole year- so exciting. The most exciting thing of the week is that she introduced me to Cronuts! The Croissant Donut! How have I never heard of these before. If you are equally ignorant check out some more info here or maybe go the whole hog and have a go at making them! Apparently they are delicious, but I am pretty sure they are definitely an extravagant treat – not one to add to the regular breakfast rotation!
What ever you’re up to have a lovely weekend!
Image via Observando