Weekend Love List


Is it just me or does time seem to be flying at the moment. The fact that it is already september seems baffling to me. Seriously where has this year gone? Let alone this week. One exciting thing about september is that it means days of crunching leaves under foot, storing up for the winter and comfy jumpers will soon be upon us. 

In fact looking at the forecast right now is making me wonder if we are there already.

I have a pretty busy weekend ahead with rehearsals for a play, dinner party plans and some proposed table tennis. But am hoping to spend some of sunday doing absolutely nothing. Perfect time to catch up on some reading.

If you’re looking for some reading inspiration here are a few of my favourites for the week.

  • I am thinking about remodelling my house to include this – A nice reminder that life should be fun!
  • This got me in an autumnal mood it is definitely time to do some preserving
  • I love Jam
  • This cake looks yummy – a must bake!
  • Nothing like September to make you feel like getting organised – this is the inspiration I need

Whatever you are up to have a lovely weekend!

Image via design sponge

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