I think I am about two years late for this but Chia Seeds are very cool, who knew? Apparently a lot of people. So many in fact that one of my favourite cafe chains Le Pain Quotidian has its own chia seed pudding. There’s me chowing down on some baguette whilst my friend, who is clearly in the know, ordered a chia seed pudding. Of course having no idea what it was I had to have a taste. And I can confirm it was delicious. Don’t you love discovering something new. I do.
Author Archives: lucie
Rainy Saturday Baking
April brings us rainy days. I was trying to be healthy but then the Saturday rain fell and there was nothing for it but to bake.
I was having fun playing around with the camera as well. So think of this as more of a picture book than blog. I hope you like it!
Super Green Juice?
So lately I have been reading a lot about green juices and alkalising your body. Word on the street is we all eat to many acid based foods and as a result our digestion is, well not at its best. Apparently the way to avoid this is eating lots of leafy greens for the majority of your day. The popular way to kick this off seems to be green juices for breakfast.
Seasonal Tastes: April
One of the things I know about cooking and eating from scratch is that seasonality is key to tastier, healthier and cheaper meals. There is really no better argument for eating with the seasons. Also as a bonus point it brings more variety to your diet and meals. However it is all too easy to get stuck in a food rut, buying and eating the same foods. But before you reach for that same old courgette or steadfast apple, why not take a look at what is at its best right now. After all why wouldn’t you want to be eating food that is at its absolute best.
Super Green Salad
I don’t know about you, but when I think healthy. I think salad. Basically lots and lots of green.
Time to get healthy
So I don’t know about you but I certainly over ate this weekend. I predominantly gorged on chocolate cake and other delicious sweet stuff. Delicious as it was, and I wouldn’t take it back, I think it is time to redress the balance. I think what’s called for is a more mindful week or so of eating with the focus on eating foods that give me more energy and make me feel good. If you want to redress the balance and just have a bit of a health kick this is the place to be.
So jump aboard.
First stop inspiration.
The key to any sort of healthy habit changing is to enjoy the experience. If you create hell for yourself it will never stick. So what we really need is some good ideas for yummy healthy food and creating positive habits. Continue reading
Scrumdidlyumptious bars – the results
Happy Easter everyone. I love this weekend. The weekend of hot cross buns and mini eggs for breakfast. Yes, you heard me correctly ( or should I say, read me correctly) MINI EGGS FOR BREAKFAST.
The Easter Countdown – Scrumdidlyumptious Bars
When I was brainstorming ideas for this Easter Countdown I decided I wanted to try and feature some fantastic Easter presents. My original plan was a Faberge Easter egg. How fantastic would that be! Well great plan, turns out I couldn’t find an appropriate Easter egg mould and I didn’t trust my own ability to decorate to the level of Faberge and then I hit upon it. Scrumdidlyumptious Bars.
The Easter Countdown – Hot Cross Brioche Buns
Wowee isn’t this fun! A slice of Easter everyday is making me feel like I am on holiday again, and I’m not even going to mention the weather because I don’t care anymore (oops… well it doesn’t count if you’re saying your not going to say anything – you know what I mean).
The Easter Countdown – Simnel Bunnies
Simnel cake at Easter has long been a tradition in my house. We all really like fruit cake and, for the most part, marzipan, so you can imagine that Simnel cake would go down a treat. However when I was young I would always look at it and think … nah I will have chocolate instead. So this year I have decided to make Simnel cake child friendly, chadult friendly (that’s an adult who enjoys childish things e.g. me) and just a bit more fun.