Time to get healthy

So I don’t know about you but I certainly over ate this weekend. I predominantly gorged on chocolate cake and other delicious sweet stuff. Delicious as it was, and I wouldn’t take it back, I think it is time to redress the balance. I think what’s called for is a more mindful week or so of eating with the focus on eating foods that give me more energy and make me feel good. If you want to redress the balance and just have a bit of a health kick this is the place to be.

So jump aboard.

First stop inspiration.

The key to any sort of healthy habit changing is to enjoy the experience. If you create hell for yourself it will never stick. So what we really need is some good ideas for yummy healthy food and creating positive habits.

When I am in a healthier mood there are some brilliant people I always turn to. So I thought I would share my inspiration with you and a few of my favourite health blogs.

Tara Stiles

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Love Tara –  loads of free yoga routines, sage advice for your spiritual and mental well being and some super healthy video recipes.

My New Roots

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The yummiest looking healthy food ever.


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The Chalkboard have got your back. Covering pretty much ever angle, so if you are into juicing, alkalising, just eating healthy, doing exercise – whatever it is they will have something on it.

Martha Stewart Whole Living

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Not where you would usually think to go but as always Martha delivers.

Hopefully some of those have inspired you to pick up a few healthy habits to make you feel good. Personally I am planning to make a few simple changes to start cultivating some healthy habits.

For me these are.

  1. Hot water and a slice of lemon in the morning
  2. 30 mins of yoga everyday
  3. Getting out of my house for a walk at least 3 times and week
  4. Snacking on vegetables and maybe the odd fruit instead of hot cross buns and mini eggs.

Fairly simple but I really believe it’s the small positive actions that can really make a difference.

On that note I am going to be trying out some healthy recipes and sharing them so check back soon for health on a plate and in the meantime leave a comment below and let me know what habits your planning to keep up or cultivate.

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