Simple Suppers: Warm Winter Salad

Today I fancied both something fresh, warming and above all healthy. Not always an easy combination, warming and healthy yes – you make soup, fresh and healthy – you make some sort of light veg dish. However the three combined always seems to throw me into somewhat of a muddle.

Nevertheless today I think I might have cracked it. Warm salad!

Revolutionary! ( well not really – but for me it was quite exciting as it’s something a rarely make)

And do you want to hear the even better news, it’s so simple, involves minimal cooking and was made entirely out of things I already had in my fridge/cupboards. It’s the A star of all simple suppers.

I know you are now keen to get your salad on so I wont stop you any longer. Here is the recipe.

Warm Winter Salad


4 carrots peeled

1tbsp honey

olive oil

1tsp fennel seeds crushed

Mixed salad leaves ½ cup bulgar wheat

1/3 cucumber chopped into chunks

3 spring onions finely sliced

handful of hazelnuts crushed

for the dressing

2 tbsp walnut oil

squeeze of honey

2 tsp red wine vinegar

juice of ½ orange

salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat your oven to 200C
  2. Cut your carrots into thick batons place them in a oven proof dish and pour on honey, olive oil and fennel seeds. Mix until they are fully coated
  3. Place in the oven and leave to roast  for 40mins
  4. In the meantime place your bulgar wheat in a pan of cold water and bring to the boil. Leave for 15mins and then drain.
  5. Combine all of the ingredients for the dressing and mix together
  6. Once the carrots are done combine all of the different elements adding in salad leaves, cucumber and spring onions. Then sprinkle over the hazelnuts and add the dressing.

A simple warming yet fresh salad in 6 steps. Well thats lunch sorted 🙂

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