Well if my last post wasn’t autumnal enough for you be prepared to be bombard with food warmth that can only mean shorter days, rainy evenings and heart warming food.
Despite this week being ridiculously busy – I have been working on an extra special From Scratch Project for Christmas( details coming soon), I made sure I spent sometime making a warming treat to bring a bit of extra loving to my busy days. A few weeks ago I had a slice of pumpkin pie. Since then have been obsessing over root vegetables of all kinds.
I know the weather is changing and it can all be a bit depressing but autumn is one of the best times for food. Some of my favourite fruit and veg comes into season and whipping up a warming crumble or tasty syrup sponge are that little bit more exciting.
With this in mind I decided to take my new found love for pumpkin pie and simplify it into an easy to make super delicious dessert. Bring on the Squash, White Chocolate and Pistachio Cake.
This dessert is fairly indulgent but with its warming yellow tone and comforting smell eating it is like calling up all the joys of fall in one bite. Maybe not great for your standard weekly treat but a showstopper for any weekend supper or meal with friends.
So what are you waiting for, enrich your kitchen with autumn and get your squash on.
46oz butter
45oz Sugar
3 eggs
10oz self flour
1tsp baking powder
half butternut squash cooked and puréed
handful of pistachios chopped
100g white chocolate
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
- Cream the butter and sugar together
- Add the squash puree and mix together
- Whisk the eggs and add to the mix
- Sift in the flour and baking powder
- Chop pistachios and white chocolate and add to mix
- Pour the mixture into a tin and bake in the oven for 30-40 mins
- Then serve!
I ate this warm and just as it was, but to be extra indulgent I am sure a bit of cream/mascapone/creme freche would not go amiss.
Anyway here’s hoping my next instalment is a little healthier.