Simple Suppers: Cauliflower and Spinach Curry

Spinach and Cauliflower Curry

I think with the cold setting in quite strongly here I have been craving warm and comforting food. But for some reason instead of my tastebuds yearning for soups and stews, pasta bakes and pie, I have been hankering after a good curry.

So in the last week I have cooked three. One: Cauliflower and Spinach, Two: Chicken Reendang , Three: Chicken, Aubergine and Mango

I think some people can get quite scared of cooking a curry, because all of the different spices, but in fact often it can be a pretty simple and very scrumptious supper.

So I encourage you to have a go. As all that chilli really is the cheapest central heating you can get.

The simplest and quickest was my Cauliflower and Spinach, perfect for a mid week supper, so I thought I would share it with you now. I made this entirely of things I already had in the house and cooked enough for lunch the next day – What a bonus! I will warn you this isn’t entirely From Scratch for this I used a shop bought curry paste to intensify the flavour. I  know, awful, going against the whole point of the blog and I wasn’t going to share the recipe but it was so darn scrummy I thought you would forgive me in this instance. I will do a future blog on curry pastes I promise, but for right now I hope you enjoy this.

Ingredients: Cauliflower

1/2 Cauliflower chopped into smallish peices

1 bag of spinach

1 onion

1 tin tomatoes

1tsp tumeric

1tsp cumin

1 tbsp curry paste


1. Slice your onion and gently fry in a pan

2. Add your cauliflower, tumeric and cumin and mix

3. Add your curry paste and stir for 2 mins

4. Add tin tomatoes and spinach and leave to simmer for 30 mins

5. Serve with rice or naan, salad and a spoon of mango chutney

If you are feeling a bit nippy this will definitely warm you up. Bon Appetite!

Cauliflower and Spinach Curry

Instead of this, tonight I will be playing that age old classic – what can I make for dinner out of the leftover ingredients I have in my Fridge. If only Jam was an acceptable dinner choice! I promise to share whatever I make, here’s hoping it’s something worth sharing.

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