Friday Treats: Vegan Friendly Flapjacks

Now I have been going on about baking for ages whilst simultaneously jabbering on about being healthy etc. etc. yadda yadda yadda, Shut up already and give me some deliciously healthy recipes I hear you shout!

Well I know I mentioned Vegan Flapjacks a few days ago and I didnt want to disappoint so I thought I would offer up the recipe as a possible solution to your weekend treat predicament. ( Here I am  of course presuming everyone likes to treat themselves at the weekend)

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Festival Notes

It was another busy week for From Scratch as I prepared a lot of baked goods for the Farm the City Festival that happened on Saturday. Luckily no cake related disasters (I am a pro now after that wedding cake – that said my brownies were monumentally gooey. You could argue you can’t have brownies that are too gooey, well when your brownies shape shift around your utensils, you might have excess goo!) Brownies aside though, everything turned out rather well.
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Let them eat cake

So I know I promised you a hen do blog, but with the wedding on Friday I just ran out of time. Now the wedding has been and gone it seems silly to talk about the hen do when I can write about the actual event.

If this was just a blog about the wedding I would only need one word….IMMENSE!

And what is a wedding without the cake. So instead of filling you in on the dresses, speeches and dancing I will update you on part two of wedding cake making .
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But it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end…

Recently I have been thinking a lot more about how important sharing food is. Whether you are cooking normally or completely From Scratch the time it takes to prepare each meal often means sharing it makes it all feel worth while. I am not saying I haven’t enjoyed meals alone because I have and whilst it is lovely to take the time to make something delicious for yourself it can be even nicer to share your creation with others. As they say sharing is caring, corny I know, but it rhymes and its true so why not hey?

With this in mind I have been in entertaining mode. And what better meal to share than Brunch!
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Going to the chapel….

No… not me silly. It’s my sisters wedding of course. Meaning I have taken on my biggest challenge yet. Make a wedding cake for 120 people. From Scratch, no instructions!

As I am not one to turn down a challenge or make it easy for myself, I naively started planning an elaborate tiered cake with many different flavours, decorations and general wedding flair.
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Alive and Baking

I have been getting cabin fever lately, spending way too much time inside. So last Wednesday I decided enough was enough, I was going to get out.

I decided a trip to the V&A for some inspiration for my projects would be a good plan.  However on my journey to the museum I saw this fantastic display for National Baking Week….

Bethnal Cream? Genius!

Bethnal Cream? Genius!

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In search of the perfect croissant…

(***Health Warning! The following recipes were cooked by trained professionals under strict safety conditions. Suppers From Scratch cannot take responsibility for any pastry induced cardiac arrests.  Do not attempt unless you plan to neutralize the copious amounts of butter with a strict exercise regime!***) 

So last week in my perfect French bliss I enrolled on a one day veinnoiserie course.  I was going to learn to make the perfect Croissants, Pain au Chocolat and Pain au Raisin. Continue reading

I love cake like a fat kid loves cake

Throughout the whole experience so far, from bread to chocolate, jam to pasta, there has been one glaring omission from my From Scratch story. Those of you who know me can probably guess, and for those of you who don’t you can also probably guess!

What else could it be but the master of all food loveliness – CAKE!

When it comes to cake I am like a sugar starved child with a constant image of what could be if only I had a slice of  mouth watering chocolate, lemon, carrot, banana (you name it, I love it … except coffee, but nobody likes coffee) cake.

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